
Our menu

Here you get a taste of the current delights in the restaurant First Floor. Do not forget to ask for the recommendation of the day.


  • Caprese

    buffalo mozzarella / tomato / basil / olive oil
    • 10,90 €
  • Beef carpaccio

    Parmesan shavings / olive oil / wild herb salad
    • 16,20 €
  • Goat's cheese

    Serrano ham / rocket / honey / fig
    • 12,90 €


  • Cold cucumber cream soup

    Smoked salmon strips / crème fraîche
    • 7,90 €
  • Cream soup of chanterelle

    • 8,90 €


  • Classic Caesar’s Salad

    Romana Salad / parmesan / croûtons / anchovies
    • 13,00 €
  • As a starter Salad

    • 7,90 €
  • choice of:

  • with King Prawns

    fried in herb butter / piece
    • 3,80 €
  • with Poulard breast strips

    • 7,90 €
  • Spaghetti

    basil pesto / cherry tomatoes / pine nuts / parmesan cheese / mixed salad
    • 12,90 €
  • Summer bowl

    Colourful leaf salad / avocado slices / strawberries / peach slices / tomatoes / gherkins / shrimp skewer
    • 14,90 €
  • Mixed cheese platter

    Soft and sliced cheese / fig mustard / bread / butter
    • 12,50 €


  • Texas BBQ Burger (200g)

    Angus Beef Patty / brioche bun / homemade BBQ Sauce / onion rings / jalapenos / fried egg / french fries
    • 20,70 €
  • Gilthead-Burger (180g)

    Gilthead fillet / black burger bun / avocado slices / tomatoes / herb sauce / fries
    • 19,50 €
  • Veggie-Burger (125g)

    Grilled aubergine and courgette / mushrooms / tomato dip / rocket / potato wedges
    • 16,90 €


  • Rumpsteak (200 g)

    with the typical fat / herb butter / bean vegetables / fried potatoes (300 G / 39,90 €)
    • 33,90 €
  • Filetsteak (200 G)

    Thyme jus / brokkoli-bimis / gratin potatoes (250 G / 47,60 €)
    • 41,90 €


  • Spare ribs of veal

    BBQ sauce / roasted vegetables / sweet potato wedges
    • 24,90 €
  • Veal cutlet

    herb jus / tomato and bean vegetables / mashed potatoes
    • 31,90 €
  • Two buffalo sausages

    For meat lovers! / Tarragon-mustard / fried potatoes / mixed salad
    • 18,90 €
  • Kikok chicken breast

    Lemon sauce / courgette vegetable / Basmati rice
    • 28,00 €
  • Tuna fillett

    Tarragon mustard sauce / pak choi vegetables / fried potatoes
    • 26,90 €


  • Homemade apple strudel

    - without sultanas - / almond sticks / vanilla ice cream
    • 10,20 €
  • Tonka bean créme brûlée

    Strawberry salad
    • 8,90 €
  • Three kinds of sorbet

    Fruit salad / vanilla foam
    • 9,20 €